Important Historical Dates Of The World


776 : first Olympiad in Greece

323 : Alexander dies at Babylone

221 : Great Wall of China completed

4 : Birth of Jesus


30 : crucifixion of Jesus Christ

570 : Birth of prophet Muhammad at Mecca

622 : Hijari Era started, Hazrat Mohammad went from Mecca to madina

1453 : Renaissance in Europe

1492 : Columbus discovered America

1498 : Sea route to India discovered Vasco de Gama

1688 : Glorious revolution in England and the parliamentary rule began

1776 : Declaration of American independence

1789 : French revolution

1804-1825 : Industrial revolution in England

1815 : Battle of Waterloo-Napoleon was defeated and sent to Saint Helena where he died in captivity

1865 : Abraham Lincoln assassinated

1896 : modern olympic games started in Athens

1904 : Russia Japan war 1

1914-1918 : World war 1

1917 : Revolution in Russia, the czar assassinated

1920 : The league of Nations founded

1933 : Hitler became the chancellor of Germany

1939-1945 : World war 2

1945 : first atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima Aug. 6 and Nagasaki Aug 9; UNO established

1948 : Independence of Burma, Sri Lanka; Jews declared state of Israel in Palestine

1953 : Mount Everest conquered by Hillary and Tenzing

1957 : Artificial Earth satellites Sputnik 1 and 2 launched by Russia

1963 : American President John F. Kennedy assassinated

1969 : American astronaut lands on moon

1973 : Watergate scandal in USA; USA launched skylab-the first space laboratory

1975 : communists capture Cambodia and South Vietnam; Everest scaled by first woman Mrs. Juniko Tabei a Japanese housewife; Coup in Bangladesh- Sheikh Mujib killed; Apollo- Soyuz joint flight

1976 : Unification of Vietnams; death of Mr Mao-tse Tung

1977 : America makes neutron bomb; army seizes power in Pakistan

1978 : world’s first test tube baby born in England

1980 : Iran Iraq war

1982 : Falkland war; Egypt regains sinai Peninsula

1984 : hongkong Accord signed

1985 : SAARC comes into being in Dhaka

1986 : Fire in Russia’s Chernobyl nuclear power plant

1988 : Gorbachev elected USSR president; Bush elected US President

1989 : Non communist government installed in Romania

1990 : Nelson Mandela released after 27 years in prison; Namibia achieved independence; Two German States unite

1991 : Gulf war started; Bangladesh riveted to the parliamentary form of government after 16 years; USSR dissolved

1992 : Boutros ghali elected new UN secretary General; Earth summit at Rio de janerio; Bill Clinton elected 42nd US President

1993 : treaty to bank chemical weapons Signed in Paris

1994 : GATT signed by 125 countries in Marrakesh (Morocco) on April 15; First non-white government in South Africa under presidentship of Nelson Mandela

1995 : WTO comes into existence;first world summit on social development in Copenhagen

1996 : New constitution in South Africa; Atlanta Olympic; Kofi Annan of Ghana is the new UN secretary General

1997 : 9th SAARC summit; NASA spacecraft Pathfinder landed on Mars; Diana, Princess of Wales, killed in a car crash in Paris

1998 : Pakistan conducts nuclear test ; India, Russia signal nuclear agreement; The birth of Euro currency

1999 : NATO forces launch attack on Yugoslavia; Colonel Eileen Collins became the  first women in the space history to command a space mission

2000 : XXVII Olympic game starts in Sydney; European union army comes into being; George bush elected president of USA

2001 : NASA launch its 2001 mars Odyssey probe form Kennedy Space Centre in Florida; World Trade centre and the Pentagon headquarters in USA attacked by terrorists

2002 : The 11th SAARC summit held in Kathmandu; Xanana Gusnao become the first President of the world’s 192nd independent state East Timor

2003 : Space shuttle Columbia of USA exploded all the seven member including Kalpana Chawla of Indian origin died; US attack on Iraq; Iraq quake tolls mount to nearly 50,000. India to fly relief to Iran

2004 : Mars exploration rolled onto the mountain soil successfully; opportunity prob landed on Mars; earthquake Tsunami killed thousands across nine Nations

2005 : Bhutan unveiled its first constitution; iraq’s first elected government sworn in; Arab world’s first parliament made in Cairo

2006 : SAFTA became operational; Nepal parliament Street powers of king and turned secular; Ban ki-moon elected UN secretary General; Saddam Hussain is executed

2007 : Japan launched first defence ministry since World war 2; Australia won world cup cricket 2007 continuous third time; Time magazine named Russian President Vladimir Putin as person of the year for 2007

2008 : Maoist leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal becomes the first PM of republic Nepal; 29th Olympic games ended in Beijing; Japan launched world’s first solar cargo ship

2009 : Barack Obama sworn in as the 44th President of USA; 15th NAM summit held in Sharm-El-Sheikh Egypt; Russia launch new oil route to Asia

2010 : Dubai open world’s tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa; 7.0 magnitude quake hit haiti, more than lakh died; US, Russia sang nuclear arms pact; Russian parliament approved new START

2011 : Dilma rousseff sworn in as Brazil’s first woman prez; China tested first stealth jet; US forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan; 17th SAARC summit held in Addu, Maldives

2012 : Myanmar pardons as number of prominent political prisoners; 13th Olympic games ended in London; West Indies won Twenty20 world cup 2012; US President Barack Obama wins and other term; spin gives peak at shipwreak treasure

2013 : UN clinches global deal on cutting Mercury emissions; XI Jinping takes over as China’s president; Hasan Rohani e sworn in as president of Iran; North Korea restarts nuke reactor; Nelson Mandela died

2014 : Sheikh Hasina sworn in as Bangladesh pm for 3rd term; Obama opens 9/11 museum; 18th SAARC summit held in Kathmandu; UN declared June 21 as yoga day

2015 : Pop gives Lanka its first Saint; Australia lift ICC World Cup for a record 5th time; A massive earthquake hit Nepal, more than 5000 dead; Britain and Iran reopen embassies

2016 : China’s 2-child policy takes effect; eastern Russia rattled with 7.0 intensity earthquake; on Earth day 171 countries sign climate deal; Iran, six Nations release N-deal paper to public

2017 : Thailand King orders constitution amendment; Donald Trump sworn in as the 45th President of USA; Pakistan assembly passes Hindu marriage bill; federal judge block trance new travel ban; Zinda Arden takes over as new New Zealand PM; South Africa’s Demi Leigh Nel peters crowned Miss universe 2017

2018 : US blocks 255 million dollar military aid to Pakistan; French parliament bans MPs from wearing any religious symbols; end of castros’ 60-year rule in Cuba as Diaz-Canel takes over as new President; Vladimir Putin sworn in for fourth term as Russian president; imran Khan takes oath as Pakistan’s 22nd PM; Arif takes oath as 13th Pakistan President; north, South Korea agree to reconnect rail, road links

2019 : Brazil enters New Era with far-right prez Hair Bolsonaro; Sheikh Hasina sworn in as Bangladesh PM for 4th term; Malaysia scraps 6 billion dollar China rail project; EU adds UAE to tax haven blacklist; 49 killed in racial terror attack on two mosque used in New Zealand; Scott Morrison sworn-in as Australian PM; England won world cup cricket; US, Russia withdraw from cold war-era arms treaty.

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