How to Write Resignation Letter – If you also want to resign from your company and want to know about the format of how to write a resignation letter, then you will be given complete information on how to write a resignation letter on this post.
Often when we go to a new company, we have to leave the old company. Every company has its own rule that if you leave this company, then you have to give information before that. The process of giving information is called resignation letter. .
There is a process for writing a resignation letter which you have to follow.
Let us know what is the correct way of writing a resignation letter.
What is Resign Letter
Resign letter is given for resignation or resignation or mainly for leaving a job. It is an information letter in which it is told why you are leaving this job and other things are given.
Design application is a formal letter through which the employee informs his office or company boss about leaving the job.
Its main purpose is that as per the rules of the company, whenever you leave, you have to inform the boss of the company in writing 15 or 30 days before you leave so that your resignation letter can be accepted.
You should always use appropriate words while writing a resignation letter so that the mutual relationship between you and your boss does not get spoiled and if you want to join this company again, then you should be given this opportunity.
Resign Letter Format
Mr. Manager Sir,
************ (write the name of the company or office),
************** Branch (Please write the name of the city)
Subject: To resign from job
It is my humble request that I (my name) ************** in your company ************** (company name) ***** I have been working on the post of ********* (name of post) for the last 3 years. I had joined your company on date **************. I have been selected on the post of Manager in another company (Company Name) ***************** (with the intention of leaving the company Write reasons).
I have gained a variety of experiences while working in this company and that is what I am taking with me. I pray to God that this company reaches the top.
Therefore, you are kindly requested to accept my resignation letter from ************** (name of post) from ************** date. Kindly. There will be great mercy.
Yours faithfully
Your name **************
Designation **************
Date **************
Signature **************
Application Format for Resignation.
On the basis of this format, you can write a design letter. Here a format has been told to you.
To ,
Mr. Manager
Wipro Limited (Kolkata)
Subject:- For resignation from job.
Sir ,
It is a humble request that I (Pooja Kaur) am working as an engineer in your company. Due to my father’s sudden ill health, I want to resign from my job. My father is seriously ill, and apart from my father I have no one else in this world. In such a situation, it is very important for me to stay with him. The doctor says that it will take about 2 years for him to recover. That is why I am resigning from the company.
I have learned a lot from this company, I worked here for 4 years, and in these 4 years I have gained a lot of experience. And I hope that this company reaches the pinnacle.
Yours faithfully.
Pooja Kaur
Resignation Letter – Due To Selection In Assistant Manager
The Manager
Mutual Relation Company Ltd. (Mumbai)
Dear Sir,
Since I Raj Kumar am selected for the post of Director Manager in Mutual Relation Company Ltd. as a result of the competitive examination held 4 months ago and the interview therefore last month, it shall not be possible for me to continue in service with you, with effect from 10th November 2023.
I, therefore, may kindly be relieved from my present duties by that date.
Thanking you,
Yours truly
Raj Kumar
Director Manager
Sign & Date – ************
Keep these things in Mind Before Resigning
Always write resignation letter in white A4 size paper.
Write the letter as per the resignation letter format given above.
While writing the resignation letter, keep in mind that you have to inform the office 15 days before taking the resignation.
Talk to your boss before resigning
Use clear and polite language while writing letters
Write your resignation letter in short words. Your letter should mainly be 50 – 100 words.
State your problem clearly in the resignation letter, so that the company can offer better options for you.
how to write resignation letter in hindi
सेवा में,
श्रीमान प्रबंधक महोदय
पंजाब हिन्द लिमिटेड
विषय :- नौकरी से इस्तीफे के लिए आवेदन पत्र।
सविनय निवेदन है कि मैं आलोक राज़ ठाकुर आपकी कंपनी में असिस्टन्ट मैनेजर के पद पर पिछले 7 वर्षों से कार्यरत हूं। मेरा चयन सरकारी विभाग, रंगढ़ में मैनेजर के पद पर हो गया है। मुझे अगले महीने से वहां पर नौकरी ग्रहण करना है इसलिए मैं अपने इस पद से इस्तीफा दे रहा हूं।
मैंने आपकी कंपनी से बहुत कुछ सीखा है लेकिन अब मैं सरकारी सेवा में जाना चाहता हूं। अतः आपसे निवेदन है कि मेरा इस्तीफा पत्र दिनांक ******** से स्वीकार किया जाए।
आपका विश्वासी
आलोक राज़ ठाकुर
पद : असिस्टन्ट मैनेजर
हस्ताक्षर : ————————-
how to write resignation letter in hindi – Click Here
In this post, all the information on how to write your resignation letter has been given. We hope that this post will be beneficial for you. If you have any kind of problem, you can ask your question in the comment box.