ISRO VSSC Recruitment 2023 : The ISRO Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), ISRO has recently issued a new vacancy notification, if you want to do a job in Technician and others Posts Recruitment 2023, then read this post carefully and you can apply easily through the apply link. Interested candidates can apply for this Recruitment.
Through this post, you will take advantage of a lot of information, Age Limit Criteria, Notification Information, Salary Selection Process, Education Qualification, etc. You will get all the information through this post.
Organization Name – ISRO Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (ISRO VSSC)
Total Number of Vacancies – 18
Employment Type – Govt Jobs
ISRO VSSC Recruitment 2023 Important Information
Job Location -: All Over India
Post Name -:
Centre | Post | Vacancy |
VSSC | VSSC Driver – Light Vehicles | 9 |
VSSC Driver – Heavy Vehicles | 9 |
Official Website -:
Applying Mode -: Online
Age Limit
- Minimum Age : 18 Years
- Maximum Age : 35 Years
Sl No | Post No. | Post | Age Limit | |||||
UR | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | ||||
01 | 1521 | Light Vehicle Driver-A | 35 years | 38 years | 40 years | 35 years | 35 years | |
02 | 1522 | Heavy Vehicle Driver-A | 35 years | 38 years | 40 years | 35 years | 35 years |
Educational Qualification
Post Name | Qualifications |
VSSC Driver for Light Vehicles | Passed SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th LVD license. 3 years experience as Light Vehicle Driver. Any other requirement of the Motor Vehicle Act of Kerala State should be met within 3 months after the candidate joins the post. |
VSSC Driver for Heavy Vehicles | Passed SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th HVD license. Must possess valid Public Service Badge 5 years’ experience out of which minimum 3 years as Heavy Vehicle Driver |
Salary Structure
As per rule. Pay scale of INR 19,900 – INR 63,200.
ISRO Recruitment 2023 Exam Pattern
Subject | Maximum Marks | No. of Questions |
General Knowledge | 30 | 30 |
Road Safety & Auto Mechanics | 20 | 20 |
Gujarati Language & Grammar | 20 | 20 |
English Language & Grammar | 10 | 10 |
Mathematics (up to class 10th level) | 20 | 20 |
Sl No. | Syllabus | Marks Allotted |
i. Various Sections of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 as amended from time to time. ii. Licensing of Drivers of Motor Vehicles iii. Registration of Motor Vehicles iv. Control of Transport Vehicles v. Control of Traffic vi. Insurance of Motor Vehicles vii. Offence, Penalties and Procedure viii. Mandatory signs ix. Accident Claims x. Accident Claims Tribunals | 50 marks | |
i. Synonyms, Antonyms ii. Use of correct verbs iii. Choosing appropriate given words and phrases to fill-in the blanks in sentences | 15 marks | |
i. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division ii. Percentage, Ratio, Average | 15 marks | |
i. General Knowledge, Current Affairs ii. ‘Who’ is ‘Who’ iii. States and Capitals of India iv. Geography of India | 20 marks |
Application Fee
General/OBC/EWS – 500/-
SC/ST/Others – 500/- (SC/ST/PH/Women Candidate Full Amount Refund After CBT Exam)
Selection Process
- Written Test (Computer Based Test)
- Skill Test
Level | Selection Process |
1 | Written test 1. The written test will be conducted first and short-listing of candidates for skill test will be done based on the written test scores in the order of merit in the ratio of 1:10. 2. The written test consists of one paper containing 100 objective questions carrying one mark each and will be of 2 hours (120 minutes) duration [Correct answers carry one mark each, wrong answers carry -0.25 mark each and unattended questions carry zero mark]. 3. Those who secure a minimum of 50% marks in Part-A and minimum of 50% marks in Part-B, Part-C and Part-D combined in the written test will be eligible for consideration for shortlisting for skill test. Total marks obtained in all four parts of the written test will be reckoned for shortlisting for skill test. 4. In case sufficient number of candidates to fill up reserved vacancies (SC/OBC/Ex-servicemen) are not available, relaxation of marks upto 25% will be allowed in the written test, in increasing steps, to reach required number of candidates in the prescribed ratio of 1:10 to be called for skill test for further consideration under relaxed standards. |
2 | Skill test 1. The skill test will be purely on ‘go-no-go’ basis (pass or fail) and marks obtained in the skill test will not be considered for selection. The skill test will be evaluated on a 100-point scale with minimum 60% for qualification. No relaxation is allowed to SC/OBC/Ex-servicemen candidates in the skill test. 2. The final selection will be done amongst skill test qualified candidates, purely based on the scores obtained in the written test. From amongst candidates who qualify in the skill test with 60% marks, empanelment will be done in the order of marks obtained in the written test. In case of a tie in the written scores, the academic scores of the notified qualification will be the tie-breaker. |
How to Apply
Mode – Online
You can use the offline medium to apply for this post.
To apply, first go to the official website.
At the top you will see a button of ISRO VSSC Recruitment 2023. Notification which has to be clicked
An application form will appear in front of you, Download the Application Form.
Take a print out of the failed application form which will be useful for future use.
Submit the required documents of photocopies to the following address
Important Date
Notification Released – 13 November 2023
Apply Start – 13/11/2023
Apply Last Date – 27 November 2023
Important Link -:
Notification Link – Click Here
Apply Link – Click Here
Official Website – Click Here
YouTube Link – Click Here
NOTE – इस पोस्ट पर दी गई सारी जानकारी अन्य न्यूज़ वेबसाइट एवं जॉब के ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट से ली गई है।हमारी वेबसाइट पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई भी जॉब नहीं दिया जाता है। जॉब प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर जाकर अप्लाई करना होगा और सारी प्रक्रियाओं को पूरा करना होगा यहां आपको केवल जॉब से रिलेटेड जानकारियां दी जाती हैं.
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